Who Can Beat Obama in 2012?

Who Can Beat Obama in 2012?
Jun 23, 2011
Our next Presidential election will determine if the nation continues on the socialistic path that it is on, and that the Obama administration has placed us upon, or if it will elect a President (and Congressmen) who will reverse this trend and restore America back to the kind of nation it is Constitutionally designed to be, and that most of us want it to be.

This raises the question: “Who Can Beat Obama in 2012?”  I am of the opinion that any candidate that holds to traditional American Christian Conservative values (fiscal responsibility, limited and strict Constitutional government, traditional marriage, etc.)  can – and will – “beat” him.   It is unlikely, that a Democrat will challenge Obama, so, in this 2-party-system nation, (where a 3rd Party candidate has no chance of winning the “Big Office.”) the person who “beats” Obama will be a Republican.

The candidate that beats Obama will effectively use Continue reading Who Can Beat Obama in 2012?

Obama: a One-term President

Obama: a One-term President


Republicans openly admit that a primary part of our agenda has been and remains to make Mr. Obama a one-term president.

Liberals protest loudly, “SEE THERE!…SEE THERE!” as if this admission is a “gotcha” sort of moment for them… “That’s what Republicans state publicly and proudly they are going to do the rest of President Obama’s term. Is that any way to run a country? Is that behaving  like an adult responsible to larger interests?”

Liberals talk like wanting to limit Obama to only one term is a bad thing.   Conservatives talk like it would be one of the best things that could happen to America.

As a conservative Republican, I freely admit I hope Obama is Continue reading Obama: a One-term President

Why America Says the Pledge of Allegiance

Why America Says the Pledge of Allegiance

Jul 6, 2011

The 28 June, 2011 decision in Eugene, Oregon to stop publicly reciting the “Pledge of Allegiance” in all but 4 city council meetings has expanded into another nationwide call by many to stop reciting it altogether in public schools and other public places.

Among the reasons for reciting the Pledge are found in such statements as: “America is the only nation in the world that is founded on [a] creed.” (G. K. Chesterton); “I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed:…”( Martin Luther King, Jr., from a Birmingham jail).   That creed is the statement: “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”( Declaration of Independence)

Thomas Jefferson asked the question Continue reading Why America Says the Pledge of Allegiance




The rich could use the same arguments that minority groups and individuals use.

For example, many left-leaning politicians have been saying for decades that “the rich are not paying their fair share” and we should “tax the rich” (to make up for government overspending shortfalls).  Don’t these claims and clique’s show that these politicians have targeted the rich, AS A CLASS – for one reason, and one reason alone – to get as much of their money as they can?  Is not this discrimination, based on socio-economic status, illegal?

And, aren’t politicians who are seeking the money of the rich engaged in a conflict of interest?  They SAY they are doing it for others, but don’t THEY have something to gain personally (a salary, and a smaller tax burden for themselves) should their efforts succeed?   Isn’t the use of their offices to secure for themselves personal gain illegal?

And why is it that the right to be secure in one’s own property does not extend to the rich?  The rich have the right to own money.  What is the honest justification for taking a higher percentage of their money just because they have more of it than most people?  If a rural citizen has more cows than an urban citizen, does that greater number constitute Continue reading LEAVE THE RICH ALONE!